We have a number of staff and students who have severe sensitivities to perfumes and colognes. Please refrain from using heavy scented products. Students are not to bring any spray or aerosol products to school.
Pope Francis Catholic Elementary School
Home of the Cardinals!
We have a number of staff and students who have severe sensitivities to perfumes and colognes. Please refrain from using heavy scented products. Students are not to bring any spray or aerosol products to school.
Staff will administer medication needed for life-threatening or chronic conditions. (epi-pens, puffers). Please ensure that all paperwork is completed and sent to the office. Other medications such as antibiotics or over the counter drugs should be administered before or after school. There is a form to be filled in if the student requires this medication during the school day. Please request the form from the ... Continue reading "MEDICATION"
September 30th is a Federal holiday for Truth and Reconciliation. On September 30th, our students are invited to wear an orange shirt to remember the children who survived residential schools and those who did not. By wearing an orange shirt, we show that we are against those who undermine children’s self-esteem, anti-bullying and to ensure that every child matters. Everyone is invited to wear ... Continue reading "NATIONAL DAY FOR TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION"
Information meetings will be held at St. Padre Pio Parish on September 10th for Communion and September 12th for Confirmation at 7:30 pm. At these meetings, dates for Confirmation and Communion will be shared.
The Pope Francis CES annual Thanksgiving Food Drive in support of the Vaughan Food Bank will run from Monday, October 7 to Friday, October 11. Non-perishable foods such as pasta, rice and canned beans will be accepted. Please refrain from donating any peanut products and expired items. Collection bins will be located in front of the office and in the Kiss and Ride loop in ... Continue reading "THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE"
In September, we celebrate the virtue of courage.
I will…..
In living this virtue, we continue to trust in God’s love and promise, a promise which is never broken, a promise ... Continue reading "VIRTUE FOR SEPTEMBER"