Category: General

Grades 7 & 8 Student Census

This year Grade 7 and 8 students are asked to participate in a voluntary and confidential census.  This census is to understand the backgrounds, experiences and needs of our students and communities to ensure schools are equitable and inclusive for all students.  Please see the link below for the Parent letter that was sent to families from the YCDSB on February 4th. 

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Grade 8 High School Course Registration

This is a reminder for all Grade 8 students and parents to complete your course selection for Gr9, school year September 2021-2022.  The dates for course selection is January 21 – January 29th for both Holy Cross CHS and Father Bressani CHS.  Please see the corresponding links below for your high school choice.

Holy Cross CHS Course Selection

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Grade 8: High School Information Sessions

This is an important message from the Programs and Pathways department at the YCDSB.
Find attached a listing of upcoming Information Sessions for students in grades 8 – 12 and parents/guardians regarding Programs and Pathways options for YCDSB students and post-secondary options and supports.
Registration links for each session are provided on the flyer. A meeting link ... Continue reading "Grade 8: High School Information Sessions"